Pranayama is a powerful method of meditation that provides full control on body and brain health through meditation. People do pranayama meditation naturally without considering short or long breaths or number of breaths per minute, etc. But incorporating these parameters in breathing practice in Pranayama meditation yields more benefits than naturally done. Chest expansion, more Oxygen intake can also be incorporated. There is no guiding devices available in the market to take the advantages of short / long breaths, uniform breath, controlling breathing rate, chest expansion, more oxygen, etc.Our Pranayama app provides a guiding tool for people who do pranayama meditation. The app utilises light fade-in / fade-out to guide people to follow this light when doing breathing practice. This fade-in / fade-out equals breath-in / breath-out. For fade-in / fade-out of light we used Pulse-Width Modulation technique. Also, we controlled the PWM by setting number of fade-in / fade-outs per minute. This corresponds to our user selection of number of breath-in / breath-out per minute. This PWM technique further provides uniform fade-in / fade-out which corresponds to uniform breath-in / breath-out.Summarising the user interface in our app, the app provides following options in practising pranayama meditation.1. Breath-in / Breath-out Uniformly2. Select Breath-rate, that is number of breaths per minute3. Listen to MantrasAdvantages of Uniform breath are:In Uniform Breathing, the inhalations and exhalations are the same length. The Sanskrit name for this pranayama technique is “Sama Vritti”. This style of breathing is great for Improving Focus, Calming the nervous system and Increasing lung capacity.Advantages of Controlling Breath-rate:Regular practice of slow or long breathing has shown to improve Cardiovascular and Respiratory functions and Decrease the effects of Stress.Increase Lung capacity, more Oxygen intake, etc.Advantages of listening to Mantras:Listening to Mantra chanting Reduces Stress, Increases Concentration, Gives Peace of mind, Treats Depression.The app can be used by all ages of people. People with respiratory problems can get immediate relief. This app is unique tool which guides to practising Pranayama meditation.